inSkin Aesthetic Solutions inSkin Aesthetic Solutions 皇牌醫美療程 (3選1)

Product information

- 【PicoCare 皮秒美白去斑面部療程】

比傳統納秒激光快1,000倍打散黑色素,大大減少熱能停留皮膚時間,避免反黑風險,特有HEXA智能35倍聚焦精準,重點針對改善凹凸洞、提升膚質。PicoCare 榮獲多項國際認證 – 美國FDA、歐盟CE、韓國KFDA及台灣TFDA,保證高效安全去除色斑同時嫩膚,回復彈滑肌。

- 【Exilis 膠原槍V面療程】

全球唯一美國FDA及歐盟CE 認證,嶄新專利技術「超聲波結合單極射頻」先將細胞管道張開,令能量暢通無阻直達肌底,刺激膠原大量增生,重建肌底支撐網絡,即時收緊拉提、減淡皺紋,過程無痛、無創 、無復原期,瞬間回復年輕V面!

- 【TherMatrix 眼袋槍療程】

嶄新網狀定點射頻技術,能量均勻傳入真皮層,療程配備大、小探頭,貼合肌膚不同治療部位,即時令膠原收緊,剌激膠原持續增生,過程無痛、無創 、無復原期,肌膚變得更飽滿、更緊緻,全面擊退眼紋、眼袋、黑眼圈。

nSkin Address:

5/F., Lee Gardens Two, 28 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay

Terms and Conditions:

1. Voucher is valid for three months from the date of purchase;

2. The offer is applicable to inSkin new customer aged above 18 years old;

3. Advance booking is required for at least 3 days before appointment, please call 6012 7600 for appointment;

4. Each customer could enjoy new customer offer once only;

5. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers;

6. The offer cannot be exchanged for cash or other products;

7. inSkin reserves the right to suspend, vary and cancel the promotion offers and amend the relevant Terms and Conditions at any time without any prior notice;

8. In case of disputes, the decision made by the inSkin shall be final

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Brand inSkin Aesthetic Solutions
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